4 Ways to Whiten Dentures

January 4, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — Shahram Modarres @ 8:50 pm
dentures soaking in glass of water

Dentures are dental appliances designed to replace multiple or all missing teeth. Over the years, they’ve undergone significant advancements to become the reliable restorations we have today. However, with prolonged use, you might observe discoloration in the teeth of your dentures. The good news is, there are several methods available to restore their brightness. Keep reading to explore four effective ways to whiten your dentures and maintain a radiant smile.

#1: Have Them Professionally Cleaned

Ensuring you brush your dentures nightly is essential for maintaining their condition and eliminating bacteria accumulation from the day. However, while this routine helps, it might not fully restore their brightness.

Thankfully, your dentist can offer additional assistance during your biannual check-ups. Using specialized tools and products, they can efficiently remove surface stains and polish your dentures, leaving them with a radiant gleam.

#2: Soak Your Dentures Overnight

Don’t forget to take out your dentures before bedtime. Whether you choose to soak them in a glass of cool water or a denture cleaning solution overnight, this step is crucial. Besides whitening your dentures and preventing stains, soaking them offers several other advantages:

  • Give your gums a rest – This allows your gums to take a break, particularly if they’re feeling a bit tender after wearing your dentures throughout the day.
  • Minimizes your risk of pneumonia – Wearing dentures while sleeping has been associated with a higher risk of pneumonia. Soaking them overnight effectively eliminates bacteria lingering after brushing, reducing your susceptibility to illness.
  • Lower your chances of gum disease – Soaking your dentures effectively removes bacteria, thereby lowering the likelihood of gum disease development.

#3: Consume Stain-Causing Foods and Drinks in Moderation

Dark or highly pigmented foods have the potential to stain your teeth. It’s advisable to either limit their consumption or enjoy them in moderation. If you opt to continue indulging in stain-causing foods, remember to rinse your teeth thoroughly or use a soft-bristled toothbrush to minimize the risk of staining. Here are a few examples of foods and drinks known for staining teeth:

  • Soy sauce, tomato sauce, and other dark dips, condiments, and sauces
  • Dark or pigmented drinks like coffee, cola, tea, and red wine
  • Raspberries, blueberries, strawberries, and blackberries

#4: Don’t Use Regular Toothpaste to Clean Your Dentures

While everyday toothpaste is suitable for cleaning natural teeth, it’s not suitable for dentures. The abrasiveness of regular toothpaste can cause scratches on your artificial teeth. To maintain your dentures’ integrity, consult your dentist about non-abrasive products suitable for whitening. Additionally, use a soft-bristled toothbrush for whitening your restorations.

If your dentures are losing their luster, fret not! There are numerous methods available to restore their brightness. With the guidance provided above, you can ensure your smile remains radiant and captivating for many years to come!

About the Practice

Rockville Family Dentistry, spearheading exceptional dental care, is under the expert guidance of Dr. Shelly Strohman. Dr. Strohman is dedicated to helping patients maintain optimal oral health and a vibrant smile. Their services include various tooth replacement solutions, including dentures, to restore your grin. Additionally, they offer valuable guidance on whitening dentures for a dazzling smile. To schedule an appointment or learn more about dentures, reach out to Rockville Family Dentistry at (301) 816-9401 or visit their website.