Fitting Right In: What To Expect with a Denture Relining

December 15, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — Shahram Modarres @ 6:10 pm
an older man smiling after his denture relining

Have you noticed your dentures slipping more often? Maybe they’ve been leaving small cuts or sores along your gumline? These are both common signs that they are no longer fitted properly, and you may need a denture relining. This is a process that restores the fit and function of your prosthetics, allowing you to use them with confidence again.

If you want to learn more about denture relining and how it can help you keep your smile looking great and feeling healthy, continue reading.

What Is Denture Relining?

Denture relining involves adjusting the base of your dentures to ensure the best and most secure fit. This promotes better functionality and reduces discomfort. Over time, changes in the shape of your gums and jawbone can occur, affecting the way your dentures sit. Relining is a way to help your prosthetics adapt to their changing environment while keeping you healthy.

How Do Dentists Reline Dentures?

The process of relining involves multiple steps. Here’s a breakdown of what to expect from start to finish:

Step 1. Examination and Evaluation

The process typically begins with an evaluation of your current denture fit. Your dentist will assess any areas where the dentures may be loose or causing irritation.

Step 2. Impression Taking

A new impression of your gums is then taken. This captures the current contours of your gums to make sure the relined dentures align perfectly with your oral structure.

Step 3. Temporary Dentures

Your dentist may provide temporary dentures at this point before they have yours sent off to a dental lab. This ensures you’re not without the ability to chew your food or smile while the relining process is happening.

It’s important to note that if only small adjustments are needed, your dentist may be able to perform them in-office. If this is the case, you could skip over this step and the next.

4. Creation of a New Base

The collected impressions are sent to a dental lab where they guide the technicians in crafting a new base. This precision work ensures a snug fit that accommodates the natural changes occurring in your mouth.

5. Final Fitting and Adjustments

The final step involves fitting the relined dentures into your mouth. Your dentist will assess how well they conform to your gums and make any last-minute adjustments to provide a perfect fit.

After the denture relining, it’s important to follow any care instructions provided by your dentist. Regular oral hygiene practices, including cleaning your dentures and maintaining good gum health, will increase the longevity of your dentures. If all goes well, you won’t have to see your dentist for another relining for five to ten years! Until then, keep smiling.

About the Author

Dr. Shahram Modarres has been serving the families of his community with top-quality dental care for over two decades. He’s a skilled and passionate dentist who enjoys helping his patients achieve better smiles through treatments like dentures and dental implants. Dr. Modarres earned his dental doctorate at the New York University School of Dentistry. Since then, he has continued to hone his skills through continuing education and professional organizations. Call (301) 816-9400 to schedule a denture relining consultation at Rockville Family Dentistry or visit the website to explore the other services they provide.