How Dentists Prepare Teeth for Dental Crowns

October 24, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — Shahram Modarres @ 1:37 am
closeup illustration of dental crown

Regardless of whether you’re royalty or an ordinary individual, dental crowns are integral to sustaining the health of your smile. These restorations, resembling natural teeth, serve to conceal misshapen or extensively damaged teeth and are often composed of materials such as porcelain, metal, or ceramics. Typically, the procedure unfolds in two appointments, spaced approximately two weeks apart, each lasting a few hours. For those with an imminent dental crown appointment, here’s a sneak peek into what to anticipate throughout the process.

Tooth Preparation

Commencing with a comprehensive dental assessment, the dentist scrutinizes the tooth earmarked for the crown and its encompassing area. X-rays might be employed to scrutinize the tooth’s root and the adjoining bone structure. Subsequently, the dentist administers a local anesthetic to the gum tissue, with the option of providing conscious sedation for patients to remain awake but relaxed and drowsy throughout the procedure.

Moving on to the subsequent stage, the dentist undertakes tooth preparation, ensuring a pain-free experience through the use of anesthesia. This involves delicately removing any decayed or damaged sections of the tooth, eradicating potential cavities that might harbor harmful bacteria.

To ward off infection, the dentist fills these voids with gutta-percha, a completely safe dental material. Following this, they meticulously smooth the tooth’s surface, eliminating sharp edges.

The Crown Goes On

In this stage, a temporary crown is affixed to protect the tooth while the tailor-made permanent one is crafted, a process that typically takes around two weeks. In the following appointment, the permanent crown is securely affixed using specialized cement chosen based on the crown’s material and positioning. The dentist ensures an exact fit by applying this cement evenly and meticulously removing any excess.

Following the procedure, you might encounter some tolerable discomfort, usually alleviated with over-the-counter pain relievers. Should this discomfort persist beyond two weeks, it is recommended to notify your dentist. Individuals with dental crowns are advised to avoid hard or sticky foods that could potentially harm the tooth or disturb the newly placed restoration.

Dental procedures can trigger anxiety in many individuals. Yet, comprehending the dental crown process can alleviate concerns, enhancing your comfort during the appointment and ultimately mitigating stress-related worries, ensuring a successful and reassuring procedure!

About the Practice

At the forefront of exceptional dental care, the proficient dental team at Rockville Family Dentistry specializes in creating durable and aesthetically pleasing dental crowns. These crowns not only rejuvenate your smile but also contribute to the overall well-being of your jawbone. Whether you seek preventive care or restorative procedures like dental crowns, they ensure that your teeth retain both their beauty and functionality. For further information on their crown options or to schedule an appointment, reach out to Rockville Family Dentistry at (301) 816-9401 or visit their website.