How to Improve Your Smile Without Breaking the Bank

May 13, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — Shahram Modarres @ 1:09 am
a man with a beautiful smile and extra money in his hands

A recent survey conducted by OnePoll stated that almost 70% of people wanted to change something about their teeth. They stated that their insecurities about their smile made them hide it when engaging with others. The good news is that you can fix any dental imperfection with cosmetic dentistry! However, even though some people know this is an option, they may worry about the cost. Read on to learn about how to upgrade your smile without breaking the bank.

Affordable Ways to Improve Your Smile

It can be frustrating to want to change your smile but feel like it’s not possible due to finances. Fortunately, there are a few options to make your dream smile a reality:

Dental Financing

Many dental offices offer third-party financing options to make paying for your dental treatment or procedure affordable. Companies like Care Credit allow you to pay them back over a certain amount of time with usually little to no interest.

Dental Grants                                                                                                                                                                                                Although you do have to meet a list of qualifications to be eligible, dental grants can truly be life-changing since they can partially or fully cover the cost of expensive treatments. Just be sure to apply several months ahead of your treatment or procedure since there is a significant waiting period.

Dental Schools

There are some dental schools that have dental assistance options that allow them to offer discounted services to those in need. The cost will be lower than the average price since students will be caring for your oral health under the supervision of a licensed dentist. Check the list of accredited schools compiled by the American Dental Education Association to find a dental school that offers this unique option.

What Are the Some Cost-Effective Cosmetic Dental Treatments?

The following are some great choices to improve your smile while on a budget:

  • Metal-Free Restorations: If you have a damaged or decayed tooth, your dentist can use a tooth-colored filling or white porcelain crown to not only treat your oral health but keep your smile looking fabulous!
  • Professional Teeth Whitening: Over time, your teeth can become stained and discolored from the foods and beverages you consume. Your dentist can provide a custom kit with trays and dental-grade whitening solution so you can conveniently and effectively brighten your pearly whites in about two weeks.
  • Cosmetic Dental Bonding: Your dentist can fix minor stains, chips, or gaps by sculpting a composite resin over the impaired teeth. After they harden it with a laser, you will have picture-perfect teeth that can last up to a decade.

There is no need to stick with a smile you don’t love. By exploring your options with your dentist, you can begin your journey to improving your teeth while also saving some cash!

About the Author

Dr. Shahram Modarres and his team at Rockville Dentistry are eager to help you achieve your dream smile! He earned his dental doctorate from the New York University School of Dentistry and is an active member of multiple dental associations. With over two decades of experience, he offers a full range of services, including cosmetic care. smile. To schedule a consultation and discuss your payment options, contact him through his website or call (301) 816-9400.